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Best Smart Doorbell 2024: EZVIZ DB2 Pro

In the ever-evolving world of smart home technology, the EZVIZ DB2 Pro Smart Doorbell stands out as a top contender for 2024. Offering a blend of advanced features, ease of use, and reliability, this smart doorbell promises to enhance your home security while providing convenient functionality.

ezviz two way camera video and audio call

Product Overview

The EZVIZ DB2 Pro Smart Doorbell comes equipped with a variety of features designed to meet the needs of modern homeowners. Here’s a detailed look at what this product offers:

Key Features and Specifications:

  • Touchscreen Doorviewer: The EZVIZ DB2 Pro features a 4.3-inch touchscreen door viewer that allows you to see who’s at your door without opening it.
  • Rechargeable Battery: This smart doorbell is powered by a rechargeable battery, ensuring long-lasting performance without the hassle of frequent replacements.
  • 1080p HD Video: Capture clear and detailed video with the 1080p HD camera, which ensures you never miss a moment.
  • PIR Motion Detection: The PIR motion sensor detects movement around your door and sends instant alerts to your connected devices.
  • Two-Way Audio: Communicate with visitors via the built-in microphone and speaker, even when you’re not home.
  • Night Vision: Enhanced night vision capabilities allow you to see clearly in low-light conditions, providing 24/7 surveillance.
  • Cloud Storage: Store recorded videos securely on the cloud for easy access and playback.
ezviz flexible storage options

Pros and Cons


  • High-Quality Video: Users consistently praise the clear and sharp video quality.
  • Easy Installation: Many reviewers highlight the straightforward installation process, which doesn’t require professional help.
  • Reliable Motion Detection: The PIR motion sensor is effective in detecting movement and reducing false alarms.
  • User-Friendly App: The EZVIZ app is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it simple to monitor and control the doorbell remotely.
  • Good Battery Life: The rechargeable battery provides long-lasting performance, reducing the need for frequent recharging.


  • Cloud Storage Fees: Some users mention the additional cost of cloud storage as a downside.
  • Connectivity Issues: A few reviewers reported occasional connectivity problems, particularly with weak Wi-Fi signals.
  • Limited Field of View: While the video quality is excellent, the field of view is somewhat narrower compared to other high-end models.

Customer Feedback

Positive Reviews:

  • “The video quality is amazing, and I love being able to see and speak to visitors through the app. Installation was a breeze!” – Amazon Reviewer
  • “Motion detection is spot-on, and I get instant alerts on my phone. It has made me feel much safer.” – Amazon Reviewer
  • “The rechargeable battery lasts a long time, and the two-way audio feature is very clear.” – Amazon Reviewer

Negative Reviews:

  • “The cloud storage fees can add up, but the convenience of accessing my videos from anywhere is worth it.” – Amazon Reviewer
  • “Sometimes it loses connection to my Wi-Fi, but resetting it usually fixes the issue.” – Amazon Reviewer
ezviz doorbell camera connections diagram


The EZVIZ DB2 Pro Smart Doorbell is a robust and reliable choice for anyone looking to enhance their home security with modern technology. Its high-definition video, easy installation, and effective motion detection make it a standout option. While there are some minor drawbacks, such as additional cloud storage costs and occasional connectivity issues, the overall performance and user satisfaction are high. If you’re in the market for a smart doorbell that offers great value and functionality, the EZVIZ DB2 Pro is definitely worth considering.

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